Thursday, April 23, 2009

Have you missed us?

How s it going guys? Sorry we haven’t gotten to you. Anyway the little kids had the CRCT today because of that our schule was a little messed up. For example we normal lunchtime is 12:28 ,but today it was 11:07. That pushed our recess up about a hour.
The only reason we have not posted for awhile is because we have been franticly been study for the CRCT. After we toke the CRCT we have a poetry coffee house or poetry jam on Friday May 8th. All the poems we have learned I can do easy.
The funny things that have happened are real funny! People are giving obvious answers that are wrong and just being a goof ball and themselves. People are even putting stickers on their hair. Ms. Toldt even triple dog dared a student to write poem . On the spot! LATER!