Thursday, April 23, 2009

Have you missed us?

How s it going guys? Sorry we haven’t gotten to you. Anyway the little kids had the CRCT today because of that our schule was a little messed up. For example we normal lunchtime is 12:28 ,but today it was 11:07. That pushed our recess up about a hour.
The only reason we have not posted for awhile is because we have been franticly been study for the CRCT. After we toke the CRCT we have a poetry coffee house or poetry jam on Friday May 8th. All the poems we have learned I can do easy.
The funny things that have happened are real funny! People are giving obvious answers that are wrong and just being a goof ball and themselves. People are even putting stickers on their hair. Ms. Toldt even triple dog dared a student to write poem . On the spot! LATER!

Friday, March 27, 2009

So many things...

The class is working on volume. To me it is confusing .In Science we’re learning about electricity. We took 4 wires, a battery, and light bulbs to make a series. We also made parallel circuit. In Social studies everybody is in groups to make a magazine. My group is done. The talent show was yesterday. The whole class was in the talent show. We also went to Snellville Middle School. We got to get a tour of the school. They gave us a brochure.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

I'm back

On my last update, I was keeping you updated and I started talking about how we were in a talent show down in South Gwinnet High or as we say, South. We remasterd [messed up] all my single ladies by Beyonce. Miss. Toldt our teacher made so it said all my scientists. I can’t tell my real name so call me nabla. My class mates and I have been practiceing for weeks and that meant no recess. I think this is really going to be fun because I got a fortune cookie today that said that you will have a musicle carrer in you near future. Sorry I have to leave early again because I have to get packed. PEACE YALL!!!!


I'm back

On my last update, I was keeping you updated and I started talking about how we were in a talent show down in South Gwinnet High or as we say, South. We remasterd [messed up] all my single ladies by Beyonce. Miss. Toldt our teacher made so it said all my scientists. I can’t tell my real name so call me nabla. My class mates and I have been practiceing for weeks and that meant no recess. I think this is really going to be fun because I got a fortune cookie today that said that you will have a musicle carrer in you near future. Sorry I have to leave early again because I have to get packed. PEACE YALL!!!!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hi Blog Followers..

This is Ms. Toldt (better known as Beyonce for this week). Our class has been working so hard learning our special Science song for the talent show. We have not even had an extra minute to update our blog. We are SO sorry and we hope that you continue to read our blog. We have a lot to share with you about our CRCT preparations, so hang tight. Tomorrow is our big night. We will let you know how it goes. We promised we will be back to blogging very soon!

Miss Toldt's class

Hey Guys! Whats up?

Guess what we do in 5th grade every day? Cant think of it?? Well listen up.
Alright now lets get down to business. In Atlanta we do things our way and we do in the most creative way possible. We have been doing a lot of stuff since last time we wrote on this blog. Two weeks have passed and I have a lot to cover. Okay we have been doing a lot of new stuff like using real life examples… my bus is up and I gotta go. I will be back tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A little something from Miss Toldt's Class

This day! Oh this day!T his day was so awesome- like the time I went to Medival Times. Well don’t you want to know why? Well first we took this Languge art practice crct test and at recess I was told that I passed.We also went to lunch and we got new music for the moment of silence.Then we went to art and we made a piece of art work. So after that, we did a game where we did challenge Math problems. After that we packed up to go home. That’s what we did in our fun,outstanding,and smart classroom.
