Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A little something from Miss Toldt's Class

This day! Oh this day!T his day was so awesome- like the time I went to Medival Times. Well don’t you want to know why? Well first we took this Languge art practice crct test and at recess I was told that I passed.We also went to lunch and we got new music for the moment of silence.Then we went to art and we made a piece of art work. So after that, we did a game where we did challenge Math problems. After that we packed up to go home. That’s what we did in our fun,outstanding,and smart classroom.



Anonymous said...

um hi this is kamba i wander who wrote this one anyway i really miss u guys and i might come and visit at the end of school

Anonymous said...

this is krm from miss toldts fifth grade class so far my summer has benn well i really miss my class though because every sunay i get up and think im not going back to JC magill elementry and i think how will it feel to walk acros the the hallways of Snellville Middles school and i will mis my whole school