Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sound off!

Sound off ! Sound off! That is part of the song our classroom teacher created to help motivate the classroom for the big writing test . Today we had our last writing boot camp and everyone was in the millitary and there were classes marching and lots of camaflouge. Each class even got a special complement from a assistant principal. It was so much fun. We had gotten a informatinal prompt on "what is our special talent?" We also got to do our reading projects.

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Anonymous said...

What a great song. Miss Toldt was going crazy when we were singing it actually had some good lyrics.

Anonymous said...

Hi is KAM, did you really make a song about the wri ting test. I wonder what the lyircs are to the song that you made up.

Anonymous said...

hey this is really interesting just to know that a fifth grade class from loganville georgia is writing a blog about what they do and to the teacher this is areally good idea because now you can tell if they are really listening

Anonymous said...

dear miss toldts class what a good idea you guys are really thinking outside the box buts thats what your teacher wants you to do keep writing on your blog i know i will