Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sound off!

Sound off ! Sound off! That is part of the song our classroom teacher created to help motivate the classroom for the big writing test . Today we had our last writing boot camp and everyone was in the millitary and there were classes marching and lots of camaflouge. Each class even got a special complement from a assistant principal. It was so much fun. We had gotten a informatinal prompt on "what is our special talent?" We also got to do our reading projects.

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Monday, February 23, 2009

Fun in room 1.214

You know about street bets right? Well my teacher is making bets with students! Not in the bad way, it’s just to inspire them to be good in class and turn in their homework. Mine was that if I turn in my homework and be good for 10, 20, and 30 days, I get chugging and eating contests with my teacher and it really does work. Today she took our class outside to our ‘’ frozen ‘’ pond and we had a “last man standing contest” which was to give adjectives about the pond which really felt like ice. Yours truly won. Some the adjectives that kids said the pond was were: gross, slimy, dead, moldy, polluted, icy, lumpy, littered, shiny, wet, inhabited, wasted, undergrown, iceskatable, mirror-like, and yellowish-blackish. Later on, when we got inside, our teacher had us naming transition words like: furthermore, finally, additionally, afterwards, and to be stated. That was pretty fun but you had to be fast with your words. But before any of this happened, we had a little incident with people not turning in homework so the people who did their homework had to walk laps all recess while the people who didn’t had to watch and as the people who did their homework got recess back we had to walk laps for the rest. And then we went to the pond.

(can you guess who this is?)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Mr Grayson writes....

Today in Miss Toldt’s class we worked on our lit circle which is a reading group that we are split into for reading class. We were discussing about our final project. The book I’m reading is My Side Of The Mountain and our final project is amazing. We are going outside for a wilderness interview in the out door classroom which kind of looks a forest but the other groups projects are good too. I don’t want to brag about which is better but my group is the best.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Here is the "Big G" that we used to learn about the units for customary capacity!

Tacky Miss Toldt

Whooooooooooooo mama! That was a great day of school. I think that math was the best time of the day. We learned all about liters,mililiters,and kilometers. Ms.Toldt went around with a glass container and dropped a mililiter of water in our mouths. If you think about it a millileter is just a drop We also had writing boot camp. Our topic was to think about what we can't live without.We had a word fashion show and Ms. Douse from 3rd grade came to teach us how to dazzle up our writing. First they had fifth grade models and the models had boring words. Then they had more vivid words under their jackets. When the beats began to play on her ipod the models acutully modled. In reading time we noticed Ms. Toldt's socks were as tacky as" Hi my name is " at the beginning of a paper.They were green like a monster on monsters inc. She was wearing a red shirt, some kaki pants, and those tacky green and blue socks.Maybe we should wear those socks on ISOC day instead of a plain old nothing special Wednesday.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Feb 10th

Today in writing we tasted jellybeans, to find out that it was different flavors such as: earthworms, soap, vomit, rotten eggs, earwax, booger, sausage, black pepper, pickle, and dirt. Also we described our teacher Miss.Toldt. We had to also turn boring topic sentences into amazing and dazzling topic sentences. It was a great school day to make it short so have a great day. Goodbye!!

Feb 9th

"All my scientists, all my scienctists". That is the music that we practiced yesterday after an amazing day of school. Also we had early relice and we had a short school hour. Wait until you here for the next girl.

Feb 13th

Today was awesome. We had our valentines party. We passed out valentines, did a chocolate experament, and ate lots of sweet goodness at the end of the day.We studied about the heart because that is what valentines day is about. We had no homework,but its only because we will come back ready to learn. If not my teacher will go mad. Maybe it was because my essay finally caught her or it was just a treat for being great. This is our first day of no homework.Everybody is joyfull and we really do owe her alot.

Feb 6th

Today I learned how to multiply perceintages and put them into a circle graph.I also learned more about chemical and physical changes for example .. chemical is when rust begans to form it gives off heat, it starts to change colors.. phys is like tearing paper, cutting something. This is all what I learned today.

From ??

Friday, February 6, 2009

Feb 5th- It's all in the family

Good Afternoon!

Today I announced a special surprise to our class- we are starting a blog! On the first day of school I always share with my students that we are like a family- we are stuck together until May! There are countless facts, formulas, funny moments, and teachable moments that we encounter throughout the day, and we would like to share them with others.

This blog is an anonymous way of sharing with others what we are learning in 5th grade. Each day, a student will be selected to post a short note on the blog. Their entry may be something that they learned, something that made them think, or someone or something that they noticed for the first time. The student who is selected each day must exemplify extraordinary behavior, phenomenol conduct, and superb class participation. You are invited to join our journey through 5th grade! It will be a wild ride, so hold on because you are about to learn a little bit more about: our family!

Miss Toldt's
2008-2009 class