Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tacky Miss Toldt

Whooooooooooooo mama! That was a great day of school. I think that math was the best time of the day. We learned all about liters,mililiters,and kilometers. Ms.Toldt went around with a glass container and dropped a mililiter of water in our mouths. If you think about it a millileter is just a drop We also had writing boot camp. Our topic was to think about what we can't live without.We had a word fashion show and Ms. Douse from 3rd grade came to teach us how to dazzle up our writing. First they had fifth grade models and the models had boring words. Then they had more vivid words under their jackets. When the beats began to play on her ipod the models acutully modled. In reading time we noticed Ms. Toldt's socks were as tacky as" Hi my name is " at the beginning of a paper.They were green like a monster on monsters inc. She was wearing a red shirt, some kaki pants, and those tacky green and blue socks.Maybe we should wear those socks on ISOC day instead of a plain old nothing special Wednesday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you kids are having alot of fun, and Miss Toldt has some interesting outfits.