Monday, February 23, 2009

Fun in room 1.214

You know about street bets right? Well my teacher is making bets with students! Not in the bad way, it’s just to inspire them to be good in class and turn in their homework. Mine was that if I turn in my homework and be good for 10, 20, and 30 days, I get chugging and eating contests with my teacher and it really does work. Today she took our class outside to our ‘’ frozen ‘’ pond and we had a “last man standing contest” which was to give adjectives about the pond which really felt like ice. Yours truly won. Some the adjectives that kids said the pond was were: gross, slimy, dead, moldy, polluted, icy, lumpy, littered, shiny, wet, inhabited, wasted, undergrown, iceskatable, mirror-like, and yellowish-blackish. Later on, when we got inside, our teacher had us naming transition words like: furthermore, finally, additionally, afterwards, and to be stated. That was pretty fun but you had to be fast with your words. But before any of this happened, we had a little incident with people not turning in homework so the people who did their homework had to walk laps all recess while the people who didn’t had to watch and as the people who did their homework got recess back we had to walk laps for the rest. And then we went to the pond.

(can you guess who this is?)


Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Toldt's class

I'm in Mr. Boyer's class, and we do things a little differently. We have a sign on the wall that says "We turned in homework" for however many days, and how many days we turned in homework is how many numbers we put on it. If we get to ten days, Mr. Boyers makes us cookies. When we get to fifteen or twenty days, he makes us cookies again. Then, if we get over twenty days, each day Mr. Boyers will make us cookies or brownies.


Anonymous said...

I'm in Mr. Boyers class we kind of have the same thing. Instead we have to turn in homework for ten days in a row to get cookies. If we don't the person who did't get there homework signed had to walk laps.


Anonymous said...

Hi its K.A.M I wanted to tell you about how I was a student at J.C migll. I was there for k,1 grade.My teacher was Mrs.Griffth. Is the pond relly frozen. I remmber when I found a rabbit drinking in the pond. So whats new.Is Miss Griffth there. We do our homework differently like what Z.S. said.We have to get our agendas sigend every day by our parents.If we dont get our agendas sigend the we eather walk laps or do it at recess. Once my teacher dressed up as Nick Jonas and tought us a song called"I'm Hot and your Cold". The lyircs to the song are about the amendments. We talked about the 13th,14th,and15th amendment.For the 13th amendment we talked about how slavery was outlawed and got rid of a bad thing.For the 14th amendment we said that it gave equal rights to all men citizens in the states. For the 15th amendment we said that it was ratified so all men could vote no matter what was their race [color}.The chorus was outstanding. It went like this, The north wants an end to slavery the south want kicked out of the union they both want the Civil war over They're tired of fighting each other BABY.This song is a boyers original.He is the coolest teacher that I have ever had. Thanks for following our blog Mrs.Toldt's class. From, K.A.M Mr.Boyers class

Anonymous said...

well thats cool i'm IM and i'm in mr boyers 5th grade class and i have some stories like when mr. boyers dressed up as Hanna Montana it was weird and funny

Anonymous said...

hi Im a student from mr boyersclass we do homework differently if we turn are homework in 10 days in a row we get cookies but are class is haveing trouble turning in our homework M.A.

Anonymous said...

bye miss toldt im finally moving