Friday, February 6, 2009

Feb 5th- It's all in the family

Good Afternoon!

Today I announced a special surprise to our class- we are starting a blog! On the first day of school I always share with my students that we are like a family- we are stuck together until May! There are countless facts, formulas, funny moments, and teachable moments that we encounter throughout the day, and we would like to share them with others.

This blog is an anonymous way of sharing with others what we are learning in 5th grade. Each day, a student will be selected to post a short note on the blog. Their entry may be something that they learned, something that made them think, or someone or something that they noticed for the first time. The student who is selected each day must exemplify extraordinary behavior, phenomenol conduct, and superb class participation. You are invited to join our journey through 5th grade! It will be a wild ride, so hold on because you are about to learn a little bit more about: our family!

Miss Toldt's
2008-2009 class

1 comment:

Bloggah said...

What a great idea! Keep up the good work everyone!